Three members of the Wilmslow Guild Photographic Society, had their prints accepted in the Members Exhibition of the 72nd Southport National Open Exhibition of Photography and displayed in the beautiful setting of Wayfarers Arcade in Southport. Southport has long been a leading National Photographic Exhibition and the overall quality of entry was very high, with 504 entrants submitting over 4000 entries in total this year.
The Photographic Society was especially pleased that Barbara Cook’s print ‘Together’ came first in the Open Colour print section, winning the Golden Jubilee Trophy. Her print ‘Snow Urchin’ did very well in the exhibition and won a Ribbon award. Barbara also had her print ‘Marta’ accepted.
The two other successful members with print acceptances were Les Stringer, with his print ‘Young Monks’ and Margaret Green with ‘Mont Blanc’. The Society thanked Margaret for co-ordinating our entries and also organising a Society visit to Southport to view the exhibition.
left to right: Margaret Green, Les Stringer and Barbara Cook