PDI Competition Upload

If you have let us know that we can add you to Photoentry website, you should have received an email with logon details. If you didn’t get one or have mislaid it, please get in touch so we can sort this out.

Uploading your PDI Competition Entries

PDI of entries for both DPI and print competitions must be uploaded to the Photoentry website before the closing date.

You can upload to a competition at any time before the hand in date. And, of course, you can upload from anywhere with an internet connection.

Points to note

  • Size: the image must fit within a 1600px x 1200px ‘frame’ i.e.
    • If the width is 1600px the height must be 1200px or less
    • If the height is1200px the width must be 1600px or less
    • Images do NOT
      • Need to be exactly 1600×1200
      • Need to have a canvas filled out to 1600×1200 – (but you can if you wish)
        – The DiCentra software will fill in a black canvas if your image is  smaller than 1600×1200
  • File type must be recognised as a valid jpg image
  • Colour space should be sRGB IEC61966-2.1

Upload process

  1. Log onto Photoentry website https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/ .
  2. From the Main Menu select the Competition Group. This will be e.g. the competition for a particular season.
  3. Select the Competition. You can only submit/change/delete entries when the Competition is Open.
  4. Check the number of entries that you are allowed for this Competition. It is shown as “Entries Allowed” on the entry screen. The number of entries may vary by Competition and by the class that you are in.
  5. Click on Add New Entry and enter a Title. The title can be anything you wish and doesn’t have to include your name or a number. Select the publishing to website options and click Add This Entry.
  6. Click Choose JPEG…navigate to the DPI you wish to upload and then click Upload Image. If your entry does not meet the rules, an error message will appear.
  7. For print competitions, don’t forget to write the sequence number on the label on the back of the print.
  8. Upload up to the maximum number of images.
  9. You can use the arrows to prioritise your images. If there is a need to reduce the number of individual entries due to a large overall entry, the priority order will be used to cull entries.

Import an existing entry

You may import an entry from an existing competition e.g. between annual and monthly competitions or to play your ‘wildcard’.

  1. Log onto Photoentry website https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/ .
  2. From the Main Menu select the Competition Group.
  3. Select the Competition to import the entry into.
  4. Click on Import Existing Entry and navigate to the image you wish to Import.
  5. Select the checkbox and click Import Entry(s)

There is more help on the Photoentry website. – https://photoentry.uk/faq/faq.html

Upload Now  … https://compent.photoentry.uk/compent/


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