Competition 5
Unfortunately, the judge for Competition 5 has had to cancel. Due to the short notice, and that this was a print competition we have had to move Competition 5 to April 26th. The good news is that we’ve extended the closing date for entries till March 29th. If you’ve already entered, sit back and relax unles you want to change your entry.
On Feb 15th, we’ll now hold an informal club competition with the usual knockout format. There’s a space on PhotoEntry in the single competition category for you to upload 3 entries.
The images should be new images but you can use them in the future for normal club competitions. Look forward to seeing your images from as many members as possible.
Competition 6
This is still on March 15th, and yes I know it’s before comp 5, but we’ve had another judge change so this is now on Zoom! Themes and deadlines are unchanged!