Final Competition Images 2022-2023

2The final competition of the 2022-2023 season has now been judged.

This competition was one of our print competitions, with an excellent set of entries from our members, all judged by Bob Dennis APAGB CPAGB AFIAP BPE4 who gave us some well received critique and feedback on all the prints entered.

Congratulation to the winning mono image Leon by John O’Brien

and a well deserved congratulations to our winning wildlife author Gary Schultz with his image of a White-tailed Bumble Bee.

Images from competition 5 part 1 subject Mono


Image 9 of 29

Images from competition 5 part 2 subject Wildlife


Image 1 of 28

Monthly Competitions

From 2021 on we are simplifying things by not publishing all the entries on the website; members will have received emails from the Photoentry system with all the results and images.

Photographer of the Year

Similarly, we’re not publishing the progress here; you can log in to Photoentry to see the POTY results through the year.

Once logged-in select Monthly Competitions year and then click on Show Series Results.

You will see the individual ‘raw’ scores and the scroll down to see the ranked scores.


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