WGPS Project Group.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 20th October at 7.30pm in the Small Hall. The short notice is because the Guild is closed the following week for Half Term.
The chosen subjects are Silhouettes and Lines.
You can enter either or both sections with a total maximum of 10 images only please.
If you wish to show/discuss any other images (or photographic issues) bring them along and we can present them if we have time.
File sizes are not critical but smaller ( e.g. standard 1600 x 1200pixels) work better.
Future meeting dates are November 24th and December 8th.
Any suggestions/ideas are always welcome.
Category Archives: Project group
Project group is back!
WGPS Project Group.
The first meeting since pre Covid will take place on Thursday 6th October at 7.30pm in the Small Hall.
Anyone who is a member of the Photographic Club is welcome to attend. The aim of the group is to develop an individuals photographic skills by discussing images and other photographic issues in a friendly and non competitive atmosphere. This is partly achieved by setting photographic challenges which are decided within the group, the results then being shown at the next meeting.
Two different challenges are normally chosen and to start us off the I have selected the first subject of “Together”’. (maximum 5 images please)
For the second part bring along up to five recent images on any subject that you wish to show or discuss. All the images need to be on a USB memory stick. Sizing is not critical for this group but smaller files are preferred.
It would help if we had a volunteer to operate the computer during these meetings.
The hall has been booked for meetings on the following dates, Oct 20th, Nov 24th, Dec 8th.
Any questions or suggestions, please contact Bill