Wilmslow Photography Club Wilmslow Photography Club

A word from the Chairman

There's a piece about next week below however a quick word about the bring and buy.  We'll be running the interest group discussions first and they will be moving to different areas of the room so please wait until after these have finished before setting up your stall.  Once they have finished you can lay out your sale items, if you intend to leave them unattended then make sure you have labelled them with your name and a sale price so buyers can find you.  The bring and buy will finish at 8:55pm prompt to allow time for Chris' talk. And finally, if you'd like to donate a portion of your takings to club funds, thank you very much.

Take care, see you on Tuesday


Competition 4

This week we had the forth competition of the season. We were pleased to have had Eddie Leach from Oldham PS as our guest judge. I've seen Eddie judge before at one of the Cheadle Alliance competitions so was looking forward to his comments.

The competition was well attended, and we had a superb selection of images for Eddie to judge. Eddie's comments and critique were well received by the members which added to the enjoyment of the competition.

Onto the placings.

Open Colour

First Place

David Higton
"Impala Profile"

Second Place

Michael Hilton

Third Place

Fiona Dixon
"Fire and Slate"


Second Section 


First Place

Michael Hilton

Second Place

Sue Bryant
"Deep in thought"

Third Place

John O'Brien

As we are now two thirds of the way through our competition season David Hardy has supplied me with the current standings for the Photographer of the year.

So here we are with the standings

Members Evening

Next week's meeting will be a members evening, the first half will be interest discussions. During the extended break we are hoping to have the bring and buy sale, so you still have time to rummage around those forgotten cupboards for those items you no longer need.

Following the bring and buy sale we will be having a presentation from Chris Hills on the subject of Infrared. As we all know Chris can deliver some great and informative talks.

Project Group

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 4th February 2025.  For that event, the following themes were chosen:-

1. Tree Triptych.  In the photo club world the usual triptych is a set of 3 associated images presented as a single print or, as in our case as a single DPI. It therefore becomes both a photographic and processing challenge. The trees can be whole or parts and up to about 6 DPIs will be acceptable.  (many Olympus cameras can produce 3 images on one frame in camera, no doubt others can as well as some phones with apps?)


2. Feet.  (or did Phil mean feat???)  Is this too easy or not?  Let us see how your imagination can be stretched to create some stand out images……….. 

As usual the idea of this Group is to give you a purpose to take some fresh images on your camera and perhaps learn new photographic and processing skills. Put your own interpretation on the theme and create a presentation to last up to about 5 minutes.  

As it is not a competition there is no need to specially size your images and remember to put them on a memory stick which contains nothing else but one folder for each theme that you are entering.

Questions and suggestions are welcome. 

Bill Salkeld

Upcoming events

A reminder about the David Hockney photography exhibition in Bradford
Date: 15 January – 18 May 2025
Price: Pay what you feel
Location: Gallery 2, Level 2 https://www.scienceandmediamuseum.org.uk/whats-on/david-hockney-pieced-together .
If anyone is planning on going, perhaps they could let others know and they could go together.

Latest post from Wilmslow Photography Club